Specializing in Claims Investigations
Rest assured that any assignment performed by our agency will be handled professionally, expeditiously and with the utmost confidentiality.
License Number: C19194
Claims Investigations
• Surveillance - Surveillance is scheduled after discussing each matter, as every case is different, and we strive to conduct each investigation in a manner to provide value to the client. Claimants activities are chronologically detailed with written reports and video evidence.
• Background Investigations - Extensive backgrounds involving criminal & civil histories, social sites, driving history, police reports, etc.
• Auto Accident Reconstruction - Whether it's just pictures of an accident scene, a diagram, measurements, or using our expert who can reconstruct the entire accident and testify in court, our service is tailored to your needs.
• Witness Statements - Accurately documenting an individual's statement and having it properly prepared for court requires experience in claims.
• Locate Witnesses - When you need to locate a witness, or even the insured, you have to have them, not where they used to live.
• Complete Litigation Support - Whether it's investigation, surveillance, obtaining records, pictures, or hiring experts to testify, our experience in building the case is what every client deserves.
ATEX Investigation & Security Services